Is this person insane?

- in Nintendo

I go to a school a little further away which is why we're picked up by minibuses. So these vans with sliding doors. And for each region there's a bus driver who picks up the students and brings them back with the minibus. The bus driver who is responsible for our region is very strange. It starts with her staring at you when he gets in. If you are too loud with the Nintendo or with the MP3 player, she threatens to throw it out the window. Then she sometimes turns up certain songs unbearably loud (it was Perfect by Ed Sheeran last year) and then sings along.

Then she tells that in case of a traffic jam (e.g. On the highway) she always has bags in the trunk so that she can do her "business" there, she also tells the elementary school students.

She also tells very often that she has a basement full of water bottles and has filled the pool below with earth so that there's space for tents. She calls that her bunker. Because she keeps talking about that the government will soon shut down the internet and that people will become aggressive and then have to hide. This also includes statements such as: "Yes moi, in 5 years there will be no diesel, then I have to make a ticket so that I can fly the cars" or "All the children are addicted to the Internet and when the government turns the Internet off they all freak out ".

She also gets angry very often, once she hit the car ceiling while driving. Or she screams "I'm angry, I need a punching bag now" then she turns to me and says "Give me your nose!" while clenching a fist.

During such dropouts, she does not look at the street even if she is quickly on the highway.

Furthermore, statements such as "invented the type of suit should be burned in public!" which are extremely morbid and also hear the elementary school students.

Such things are almost everyday and of course we have complained very often to the school principal and the office and I have already forwarded recordings but somehow it doesn't seem to be happening. But what I want to know is this woman mentally disturbed? Does she possibly have mental illness?


She seems very lonely, so invite her to your house for dinner.


At first I thought the good lady is just strange. There should be times.

but the statement: "I'm angry, I now need a punching bag" & the situation: then she turns to me and says "Give me your nose!" while clenching a fist "don't go at all.

I can't say whether she has a mental illness. But theoretically it could be schizophrenia. Or it's really just weird


There's a lot to be said for schizuophrenia. I agree with you…


Diagnoses online for people who are only described by others? Give you a lot of people who have no idea for free.

As always, the complaints must of course come from your parents. Because only adults are taken seriously. You know, don't you?


Yes, that was my first thought. However, this can of course only be assumed from the outside.


These conspiracy theories would be typical (bunker, danger from outside). Also my first thought…


Your parents should contact the school parents' advisory board with your statement.