Is this description good for my dream job (english, 8th grade)?

- in Nintendo

Game Developer

To be a game developer is one of my biggest dreams.

Why? Because if you think about it, it's the best job. You can work for yourself, for a bigger company like Blizzard, Nintendo and so on or even create your own company. I mean how cool has it to be making a world in a game. You can create everything what ever your creativity has to offer. You can be you and that's also the most important thing for me. As important as that I hopefully would be making those people happy that play my games.

So when I first heard about it I wasn't really sure if it really was a job for me but as a kid I always enjoyed playing video games all day long and still even though I go to school having my obligations in doing all the homework and have to take responsibility in getting good grades, to be able to go to the "HTL Grießkirchen" and after to go studying game development at an university one day, I still LOVE playing video games.

So, I was like, "Hey why don't I give it a try learning how to make my own game?" but unlucky me it is way more complicated than I though.

First off all you must know the basics of how a computer works what is possible and what isn't, you really have to invest some time in researches, and you also have to learn a coding language for me there were 2 I already learned Python a simple and "easy" language compared to my second.

Java it's an more complex and logic requiring language than Python, the difficulty wasn't even more comparable and at some point I was really frustrated learning it, but in the end it really paid of and I was able to make my first own tiny but still (at least for me) quiet impressive game.

I really was proud of myself.

I was actually so proud of me that I thought, "Hey why don't you make it your job?"

That's why my dream job is to be a game developer.


Sounds very good linguistically and is well described. There are a few small spelling mistakes, otherwise it looks very good!


That sounds really good to me for your level.

Sure, you can complain about little things, but you can be satisfied.


Thank you could you please tell me where the spelling mistakes are?


Thank you

could you please tell me where the spelling mistakes are?

would like ne 1 for it must push notes xD. I want to work someday