Nintendo wii what other options?

- in Nintendo

I have an old and well-preserved Wii (not wii u) lying in a box. Background: I bought it back then, played Mario and other games and after a while I was so frustrated by the damn control with this stupid "swing part" that I would have loved to swing it into the toilet…

Well, I put it away first, because the SNES Mini came out at that time, which I'm still enthusiastic about today.

Now to my questions:

First. Apparently you can connect alternative controllers to the Wii… Which all? And what about the games that rely on this stupid "swing club"… I still don't know what Nintendo was thinking… Please list all the controllers for me.

Secondly. I'm a big fan of hacking consoles so that you can download games from the network and play them as Rom on a USB stick or hard drive. And yes, I know - I could possibly damage the device with it and yes, I know it is illegal - please spare me that… Just help me:-)

I also read that the Wii Gamecube plays games… Does that also apply to Rome after the hack? That would be great… More choice of games!

Hope you can help.


There's a Wii Pro controller, otherwise you can also connect game cube controllers, which games support that is included


OK thank you. A GC controller. Now I know a bit more, thank you!