I do not really want birthday presents?

- in Nintendo

I (18y, m) will be 19 years old at the weekend…

Constantly I'm asked by my older siblings what I want.

It's just, I do not want anything from them.

Whenever I wanted to have something as a child, I was then complained, since I only supposedly games, etc. Or a Nintendo DS wish.

If I want something technical I never got it.

My wishes were always rejected by gifts.

Nevertheless, I'm still asked what I want.

e.g. My 2nd eldest sister "Why do not you want a bike?

my eldest sister "Since I do not know what you want, you can get money and spend it on vacation.

But do not want games or consoles, because you're old enough and you should finally find a girlfriend. "

When I told my oldest sister and my parents what I wanted from my second oldest sister, she said something to me in the face

My parents have never given me anything and they support what my sister said…

That's why I do not want to celebrate my birthdays, because that just bores me…

How should I handle it? Should I pretend that I'm happy?

And I have absolutely no desire for the celebration, as it is meaningless for me and you just waste pure time…

Since then, I hate my birthdays like anything else…


Well then do not celebrate. I have not done that for years. Grab someone you like to be with and drive the day away.


Would I do the same or have I often done?


You could tell your siblings that you do not want to get anything. But you will not do that because you are secretly hoping for presents.

Sorry, but if you have no other problems. That's one big "mimimimi". Such a whining can bring a 5 year old, but not an alleged adult, the 19th I may not even think that you are allowed to choose. My stomach is turning around.


I think you should not ruin your birthdays by such a thing (leave).

I think a lot of kids do not get what they want. Because it is too expensive, pedagogically mindless, cheesy or whatever. You have to live with that - and also learn something from it. Of course, one of the siblings must not be rubbed under the nose.

So, now for the current birthday: Maybe you have wishes that your sisters would like to meet you? So you would all be "served". I mean, if money is offered to you, you do not have to refuse. This can be one or the other's own wish.

If not, say you do not want gifts. If you feel that every gift from your sisters is remotely reminiscent of past experiences, that may be the way to go.

You do not have to celebrate with your family either. You can celebrate a bit, because your parents and sisters will not only do you harm. Maybe there are many things you can be thankful for and what you might say thank you on your birthday or at least accept the congratulations.

For the rest, you can celebrate your birthday as you like. I once went to a planetarium talk with friends, sometimes to the theater. You can think of many things you could do with one or two friends or in a group. (And you could then use the birthday money to invite your friends or buy things to barbecue etc.)

I wish you that your 19th birthday is really great!