Wii U always turns off by itself?

- in Nintendo

My Wii U always turns itself off after 10 minutes. Once you turn the Wii U back on, you're back where it went off, so that's no problem. Only it's pretty annoying. Because I just played Splatoon and the gamepad went off each other even though the battery is full. This actually happens every 10 minutes and in the setting you can't somehow "fix it". Or I have something overlooked in the settings. Or you can't fix it?


Right with the settings. And by the way, why are you still playing with the Wii U?


Because it's fun XD


I have a switch and a Wii u. Games but also aif the wii u.


The problem should lie in this case on the gamepad. And the screen timeout should actually only activate dan, if no inputs were made on the console. Vllt is the battery of the gamepad broken?