Purchase contract concluded?

- in Nintendo

Dear Sirs and Madames,

I recently asked a question here because I was bothered by an unhappy customer who absolutely hadn't informed himself about private purchases and hadn't seen the Corona times (and the fact that it was a book delivery) that played along with that the electrical device that I sent off just takes longer. Now the Nintendo has arrived, after 2 weeks of waiting and getting together

So the contract of sale concluded?

But he claims things like that the part is absolutely dirty and not working. (I quote "I should be ashamed to sell something like this") it definitely works, but he tries it out himself and he doesn't want to show it to me either.

I photographed all the flaws and uploaded them to the public. Everything was in a picture attachment. (on facebook, can add the pictures here) I also disinfected and cleaned the part thoroughly before sending it off, precisely because of the pandemic. He also saw this. (I also sold the part for 50 euro.)

My question is now: has the purchase contract been concluded? May I please put him on mute? My conscience is pure, I have all the pictures that prove the opposite of what he claims. But since 5 euro shipping was too fine for him, I don't think he will go to court with it.


You already know everything and you are so sure about everything, where's the question?


If I can just block him. Whether this is right, there are no further questions to be answered. Maybe I'm not obliged to give him the money back. I just want to be on the right side and not do anything wrong.


The moment you have agreed on price and consideration, your private purchase contract has already been created.

He did his part by paying, did you do it all?

If you are not aware of any fault, the goods arrived at the customer as described, you do not need to worry.


Well okay, thanks 😊


Has the purchase contract been concluded?

Counter question: If there was no sales contract, why should you have sent the device? A contract comes into being through an offer and the acceptance of the offer. The shipping and payment have nothing to do with it.

May I please mute him?

For sure. However, it is advisable to inform him that you can no longer be reached via this communication channel in the future, so that the buyer can address any claims you may have, e.g. By post to your cargo address.

My conscience is pure, I have all the pictures that prove the opposite of what he claims.

If the defects were correctly described and / or shown in pictures, then he got exactly what he bought. You have fulfilled your obligations.


Thanks for the detailed answer! 😊