Why is it that you no longer dream of work?

- in Nintendo

As a toddler I had toys, had played with it, from 1986 that has become less, at some point came the Commodore 64 and the Amiga.

So, if it was like that, I dreamed of work until 1985, because the subconscious mind of my toys with which I played, made something new.

When I played Amiga with Commodore 64 in 1987, later played Super Nintendo, Sega (borrowed from my sister), PC and Playstation, why did not I dream about work anymore?

Should not the subconscious mind be so creative that even levels, quests, etc. Are made into something new from computer games, that is, to work assignments that have to be done in professional life?

What does the subconscious connect with playing through levels, killing enemies, etc?

Certain toys can also have a course of action that can be found in professional life, what about the courses of action in computer games such as computer games. Play through levels, kill monsters, quests (RPG / MMORPG) etc?


So now and then I already dream of my work.



Are there also work assignments? How do you do that? I've been dreaming of work in the past few years, but not just any jobs.


I dreamed that I was working, but not specifically from a job. I would be interested, why you really want to dream of it.


I can only speak of myself, but I dream of both work and play.
For me it's the case that I have a strong urge to work, but I can't really live it out due to medication.
Perhaps it is with you that by playing your need for employment was satisfied and therefore you have dreamed something else.
At work, one can't really live out his urge, because one is always bound to specifications and can't freely decide what to do.



Why medications? What do you have if I may ask?


I really enjoy working, would also like to work in dreaming on any assignments.


I can't say exactly what I have. The doctors say paranoid schizophrenia, in my opinion it is a paranoid psychosis. I'm doing a neuroleptic (150 mg Xeplion Depot)