Pointless dreams?

- in Nintendo

Somehow I have weird dreams all the time, and they are just really very strange and pointless. For example yesterday I dreamed that my nintendo switch was totally broken, and that was the whole dream. Once I also dreamed that I visit my former kindergarten friend and she lives in a hobbit house, I mean wtf? How so? I often have "nightmares" too, but something funny or senseless happens in them.

For example when I dreamed of the end of the world, I and a few other people were in a building and everyone was under a blanket, in front of us was a parking garage in a building where workers were preparing everything, we all knew that the parking garage was going to explode, and this explosion was apparently so violent that the world exploded through it, then my father suddenly asked if he should drive out his car quickly because the parking garage so it wouldn't break (the earth explodes but well okay maybe the car survived haha xD) well he Then left it and everyone sat under the covers and was happy and then the parking garage exploded. Yes, the dream makes no sense from start to finish, but I don't know why I keep dreaming such senseless things, does anyone know why I have such weird dreams and how I get rid of them?


Write them down and get famous


I know this all too well.

Which helped me control my dreams.

It is best to write down where you want to dream about before you go to sleep and think about it as you fall asleep.

With a little practice and time, the method works very well