How does the Dream SMP Server work?

- in Twitch

Recently I've been watching more and more of the Dream SMP (YouTube & Twitch) but I don't quite understand the principle yet. I can watch the story on YouTube, but how does the system work with the roleplay and such? And how do I know who is who, so to speak? I hope you know what I mean and that someone can help me (in detail.


So, that's a very long and detailed story. Already in advance: If a stream is called "Lore" or something similar, the roleplay will continue with this person.

Since the whole story could never be wrapped up in one answer, I propose the same to you as I did.
Enter "Dream SMP Story" on YT. There a certain "EvanMCGaming" made 4 videos where he told everything. So really everything, which is why the videos go longer. But it's worth it! I haven't been there for that long myself, but once you understand it, it's fantastic! I assume you can speak English because these videos are also told in English. The story went on with the videos, but you will know most of it by then, and the rest will take care of itself.


There are "authors" who have written the story and they all stick to them

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