Internet breaks Nintendo 3ds xl?

- in Nintendo

I have a question if Internet breaks the Nintendo 3ds xl because my mother says so. Just because she experienced times that someone broke Nintendo but I do not think it was because of the internet. All Youtuber and my friends who have a Nintendo and have internet on it, do not break the Nintendo, but my mom does not want to understand that. Now my question: Internet / wlan makes the Nintendo 3ds xl really broken? I'm looking forward to your reply


If you should not be a troll ask the question again in another formulation where you feel less fooling when reading this.


Should not be a troll. Is meant seriously.


Internet itself does not heal or break anything. No matter if PC nintendo or mobile phone. However, there are so-called computer viruses on the Internet that can in the worst case ensure that your device does not work anymore.

With a PC or mobile phone one reinstalls the operating system in such cases or resets the Handy to the factory settings. Such a reset function should be synonymous with the Nintendo but have no own.


Your mother probably just does not want the internet on your Nintendogs I use.


Ne she really thinks that the Nintendo breaks


Lol that does not make any sense how should that be possible please and if that were the case, nintendo would not have intentionally built it into their own operating system


There are no viruses on the 3ds ^^