Take a school trip with Nintendo Switch?

- in Nintendo

I have a 1 week trip to Austria tomorrow. We have a bus ride of 12 hours so I wanted to take my Nintendo Switch with me for the bus ride, I would also hand it over to the teacher after the bus ride. Do you think anything can happen?


Well, I would just talk to your teacher about whether that's okay. Basically nothing speaks against it, but the teachers often have something against taking game consoles on such an excursion, even if it's only for the bus ride.


Ours didn't mind but is different depending on the school and teacher. Ask your teacher or take it at risk and just take it with you, although it would be better to ask.


I wouldn't do it. Better take a book with you.


Honestly leave it better if it breaks or is stolen, the shouting is great.


When we were on a school trip (also 12 hours per bus trip), my best friend and I both took our 3DS with us and played together. I would never have taken my switch with me because you don't play anyway except for the drive and I was too afraid that someone would steal it from me.