Panic before traveling to the city of my ex?


Some time ago, I parted from my 2-year (long-distance) relationship. And that only because she had to move to her hometown Amsterdam due to her job. The separation was relatively good and did not diverge in the dispute.

Now my real problem is that I seem to have developed an anxiety disorder. No matter which city is in the Netherlands, I get panicked. I already get racing on my own when driving over the border by car. In addition there's dizziness and nervousness. I noticed this for the first time on a trip a year ago to Egmond. Even there I needed half a day to get around. Instead of going to the beach with the others, I stayed in bed and tried breathing exercises and calm music. The next three days were a bit more relaxed. Nevertheless, just triggered me so much.

Spontaneously, we decided to make a day trip to Amsterdam. The symptoms appeared again, plus constant toilet visit (sorry for that ;-)). Constantly I saw women who looked similar or had the same voice. I was really crazy and it was definitely not nice! But I could not control it myself. After the day I was mentally so exhausted that I left early alone, although I still wanted to spend time with my friends. Once again over the border, zack, everything gone.

At home I have no problems at all with the separation. I'm about as good as gone. I'm in a new relationship with which I'm very happy! It just annoys me now, Holland "Panic, because I really like to go on holiday there." Now another trip to Amsterdam in June is planned and I immediately notice the typical symptoms.

Sorry for the novel.

PS: I have been in therapeutic treatment for other complaints for some time. I have already mentioned the topic here, but I have not been helped yet.

Maybe you have some useful tricks:-)


Ever tried a treatment with hypnosis?


Call her and say hello, how are you? Do you like to meet me for a coffee in Amsterdam?

That the ex is a friend for life, but a great thing. One liked once, has a lot to say.


Would be worth a try!


I also thought about meeting with her again. Maybe the problem will be solved that way. She would only have to agree


Why should not she. If she does not do it, out of old friendship, you can tell her that it would help you finish it.

But she's probably happy. I've been friends with an ex for over 30 years. Is also practical. Because you have a possible accommodation when traveling. New partners are no obstacle. Rather, they facilitate the platonic friendship.


I also wanted to suggest trying hypnosis helps you guaranteed