Does he love me and do I love him too?

- in Nintendo

I'm 15 years old and in 9th grade. With me there's a boy in the class (14 years) who was never really interesting for me. Until a few months ago. Our contact has therefore developed that I sat next to him in a school subject (about a year ago) by chance. Then we got on very well.

Now we're sitting side by side or nearby in a few other subjects. We always make nonsense, laugh ourselves to the point of not being able to do it anymore and are happy around each other. He even loaned me a Nintendo game indefinitely because we both like Nintendo, haha. Up until today I was actually more interested in having more contact with him. I have often looked for his proximity, addressed him and so on. But my problem is that I like him very much, but somehow I still lack something. He shows little feelings, makes no compliments and at the end of the school day he doesn't say goodbye to me. The thing is that he doesn't notice it himself. Such things are not relevant to him, I think that's a shame. He's diagnosed with ADHD, but I don't know if that could be the point anywhere. Today I told him that he is the prettiest boy I know. He then said that he was flattered. Since then he has been totally attached and comes to me alone. I think that's nice, but today he crossed a line. Because it is 1.90 cm, we came up with the topic of size, growing and eating. I thought that I would like the food to be bigger instead of wide. He said that he noticed that the food would go to my bust because he had recently noticed that in music. I didn't think that was really funny, I also let it show. It kind of worsened my good impression on him, but now he's very affectionate. I would also spend more time with him, but sometimes he makes statements that he simply can't omit, even if he realizes that it was not very appropriate and pleasant for me at the moment.

When he is close to me, he sometimes sings and seeks physical contact by wiggling his leg and "accidentally" touching me. I don't think that's bad, if I'm honest, I sometimes do that with him too, haha.

I'm very unsure whether I have feelings for him. Can such an action make the feelings go away in no time or will it be something I can only laugh about later?

Does he have feelings for me based on his body language and general behavior?

I would be very happy to receive a helpful answer.


Can such an action make the feelings go away in no time or will it be something I can only laugh about later?

I think the question is really great!

For the first part, I could imagine that you are irritated because he suddenly took a huge step towards you and touched an intimate border. But somehow that's also part of getting familiar and closer, isn't it? Well, it was a bit awkward to explain his admiration to you that way ;-)

The second part of the question can be answered with a clear YES.

Nevertheless, I read a lot of doubts from you that you shouldn't ignore. Especially if you are still very inexperienced, you should take your time and not rush anything. Something can break too quickly, as you have already seen in this example.

My advice to you: listen to your intuition and do not overtake yourself!

All the best!


I think it's worth a try. You can get to know each other better at "Dates" etc. And then you can decide.

to the statement with the bust size: men (I'm a man) very often do not think before saying something. I have been in a relationship for over 2 years and now and then I cut out slogans that I'm ashamed of hours later.


I have to say, every boy thinks something like that. That he says something to you instead of keeping it to himself also shows that he is very interested in you and probably likes you very much. As you suspected, he would like to show you his interest. You can be sure that he has often oiled his pipe. I should know that as a man. Just a question on my part, does it make you dirty comments more often or was it unique? He is guaranteed to fall in love with you. Come a little closer to him, try kissing him at the right moment and you will see if you love him.


I have to remember the expression "don't overtake yourself"!


Thank you for the asterisk!


He is really 'sucker'