Can I report him for this?

- in Nintendo

My topic today is whether I can display the person described.
My boyfriend at the time lent me 10 euro for food.
That was now 6 months ago and now he accuses me of having planned all of this and terminates the friendship with the demand that I bring the money to him personally. I told him that if he wanted to come himself, I wouldn't deny him the money! The twist is that he got Nintendo games from me and now threatens to sell them (value about 50Eur +)
Don't get it wrong, of course 6 months to return borrowed money is very long and not the best choice. However, I never intended to keep the money and never give it back. However, this person accuses me of that. He chose money over friendship and now it's over. The accusations against me then just showed me how people can be.
The problem here is that if he wants his money to go to me and not me to him, otherwise he sells my games.
Can I display it for selling my games and if so, why should I ask for help?
(Of course I could give him and the money back, but in my opinion he should come to me if he wants something, especially if we're not friends but strangers now)
If I go to him then I'll get my games back too, yes!


Why want so much stress?

Just let it be good.
As you have already correctly recognized, money is not the most important thing


How old are you, 10 or even 5?

What a kindergarten, then go to him, give him the money, take your games and be good.

Can't be that difficult, can it?

Or is that another ego trip ala Mimimi but that has started.

You can also make it harder than it is.


Sorry but he makes me serious about my personality and should pick up his money himself, this has nothing to do with my age if you can throw away your pride then please I won't do that and if you can't give me an answer then leave. Are you not old enough to stay out of strange situations if you have nothing productive to contribute? Or is your life so miserable that you have to spread negativity here and make up your mind.


You owe him money and have been for 6 months

why should he come to you?

6 months is already tough anyway

you have the debt

so you bring him the money


He's had my games for a while, what do you say now? When the urgency is to have his money he comes to me so easily I don't really want my games but when he wants the money he just doesn't come?


I don't understand you and this person, go to him, give him the money and take the games with me. Really ridiculous you both.


Money is not the most important thing and after these allegations we're no longer friends. I don't go to a person I don't want anything from except my games, I just want to show him when he sells them so easily


I don't have any receipts, but the covers for the games and a chat history that clearly states that the games belong to me, is that enough?


Kindergarten, clearly kindergarten.

It has nothing to do with throwing away pride.

But at that point I'm out, I don't feel like explaining to would-be youngsters why such behavior shows that the would-be youngster shows weakness.

Then show weakness, show how weak you are.

But one more thing:

If you can prove that the games are really yours, then you can report him if he actually sold them.


That should be enough


If you borrow money, you can also be polite enough to bring his money back to him.


'' Be strong stand over it '' No, thank you, these are sayings for weak people, you can debate them, but thanks for the informative comment.


Answer to you now, if he has my games he can bring them to me too, I didn't give them to him.


Only there's the urgency that he absolutely wants to have the 10 euro with me but not to get the games back, so the one who sees it more urgently comes to me.


He's ridiculous to throw such things at me, dishonorable, underhanded etc etc but then you can deduct a number from what you want, I just wait for him to be reported I don't see him as a friend so why should I go to him when I get him can still bring a hefty punishment to the neck? If a person offends me yes then that person will pay so easily


If he has my games he can bring them to me too, I didn't give them to him

Yes is right, but who is smarter you or he? Give him the money and take the games with you. Why be so stressful? Don't get me wrong, this person also has trouble making trouble over 10 euro stress.


Because my goal is to display it.
If he calls me pathetic H''Sohn sneaky, honorless etc then he deserves a punishment from the law


Yes, me too, but he disrespectfully called me mischievously stupid


He's ridiculous to throw things like that at me, dishonorable, underhanded etc etc

You two are ridiculous.

I'm just waiting to report him I don't see him as a friend so why should I go to him when I can get him a hefty punishment? If a person offends me yes then that person will pay so easily

Well, make the effort, that says how dishonorable you are. You could solve this so easily, but take the hard way.


Honestly itches.

Look, he's not worth it


Do what you want and make your life difficult, you are no better than him.


I look and see he should first get a fat ad after the matter, which is then nice as theft in the certificate of conduct is already juicy.


Credit to whom credit is due? A complaint for a crime is not honorless and a planned complaint for someone who throws things at you is not honorless either. Whom do you want to tell about honor here


So he sits at home, lives from his child support, is unemployed, has no aim and will achieve nothing in life while I'm fresh from high school so I think I'm better. Then the sweet one gets theft in the certificate of good conduct and then I'm even better than him. Oh, I forgot to mention that he doesn't even have the middle school certificate, so someone who lives on your tax money is a parasite, but yes, I'm no better than him.


A "high school diploma" does not say how good or better you are, but a heart and a healthy brain say it, you probably don't have the things when I look at your messages. Even you with your so-called "Abitur" can become unemployed and then you will be happy to be able to use my tax money to pay for a sandwich.


You my dear if you want to know.
I passed my Abitur with flying colors and my law studies are going very, very, very well, thanks for the inquiry. I also invest with my student loan if you want to know. I already earn like a mini jobber just sitting in front of my pc and getting a return I will definitely not live on your tax money.
I'm not a kind hearted person I'll tell you that openly and honestly
I'm just nice and nice to people who treat me that way
if i don't like a person then i show it openly and a person i don't like knows that then i definitely don't wish my enemies the best.


It's good that you can only show off your high school diploma and studies. Many people have a high school diploma and do not need to show off because these people have other things that make them special. You have nothing but some papers that don't say anything at the end of the day. Congratulations for that, hopefully it stays that way.


I have papers that offer me a secure future and earn more with little effort than the average youth. In addition, this ' show off '' comes as you say it after your testimony that I should be worse than the other person so well am I a show-off? In that case, yes. Do i do this every day? DEFINITIVELY NOT I have never bragged in my life but if you challenge me like that I will of course tell you about my current life.


Papers can't offer you a secure future, only you can. A secure future begins and ends in the head and in the heart.


Oh, he just wants confirmation from other people because he can't get things done himself. He is supposedly studying law, if he were to study law, he wouldn't ask us that question, I'm sure that it will come first in law school.


Sorry, but if you don't know your way around, you don't have to answer.


Cute, a great law degree but no idea about law. Sweet.


If you're studying law and you're oh so smart, then I don't understand this childish question. Shouldn't you at least know something about law then?

When things are going so well, what do you care about a ridiculous 50 euro for some console games? Didn't know that you make so much money while studying full-time.

Oh man, that's sad.