Open world magic video game? For Switch or Xbox?

- in Nintendo

I would like to buy a new video game in the direction of open world, single player with magic or supernatural elements. (More realistic animation style) What I e.g. Games where you fight monsters are always cool, you get new swords, weapons, armor, etc. And you can fight for or buy better and better equipment. (e.g. Rings that you can put on and then get certain effects)

It would also be cool if you could create your own character, preferably female.

I haven't got a single game in that direction, so you can suggest more familiar ones to me. It doesn't have to meet all the criteria either, but it should go in that direction.

As a console I have the Xbox One and also a Nintendo Switch.


Skyrim or The Witcher 3 would fit there. At Skyrim you can also learn different spells. In The Witcher 3, the magic system is given, but the world, the combat system and the characters are much more realistic than in Skyrim. Would recommend both games for the Xbox One, because you can install mods for Skyrim there and the games look much better there.

Xbox One Games with magic? Fi Fisherholly50
PS4 strange news? uk ukrainianBear