Nintendo Switch dockstation broken?

- in Nintendo

Maybe I'll come up with a question that has already been answered here and I haven't found it. I've had my Nintendo Switch since April 2020 and thus the 2nd version of the Switch.
But something strange happened yesterday. The switch was in the dock because my friend was playing over the TV and I took it out. I played for a while and wanted to put it back in. It has stopped loading or has displayed a picture on the TV. Even the green lamp didn't shine. I carefully pulled everything out of the dock to see if something was wrong with the cable. Everything OK. The Switch just doesn't charge in the dock without a dock. Left everything outside overnight but nothing has changed. What could be broken in the dock that would give up the ghost from now on?


The same is also the case with me. But I have no idea why that is.


Vll efuse is broken


The nice Nintendo employee that it would be cheaper to buy a new dock instead of sending it to be repaired. Since I don't have a bill for the switch because I got it from 1&1, I would have to pay for the repair.