At home I don't want to give me back my cell phone or anything else. Can someone help me with that?

- in Nintendo

(Please ignore my spelling mistakes, I'm really tired)

Hello. I was put in a home about 1.5 years ago because I didn't go to school for some time because of illness. I have had NO contact with my parents for 3 weeks. I was not allowed to use a cell phone, go out, etc. (I was only allowed to use the devices for 5 minutes a day after 3 weeks.) It was really bad for me, also because I can't understand (still) why I was forbidden TOTAL contact with my parents although this has nothing to do with school. After the 3 weeks I was only allowed to see my parents once a week. I became depressed and was totally exhausted. Anyway… After 6 months shortly before the summer vacation, I finally wanted to escape. I couldn't take my cell phone, Nintendo and tablet with me because the caretakers took away my belongings at 6:30 p.m. Every evening. So I only took a single clamshell phone that I could cheer on. A week before the vacation I made my way to escape shortly before school. I was very hopeless and thought I would be caught. But I succeeded and I hid for a month. I was searched for but I found a good hideaway. When the youth welfare office finally allowed me to live with my parents again, on the condition that I have NO contact with my mother. AGAIN! But I was still grateful that I could be with my father (at least for a short time: /.) So my life was fine again for half a year. Except that all my stuff stayed in the home. I got back less than half of my clothes, but my devices, valuables, etc. Did not give them back to me. My father doesn't allow me to go to the home to get the things she wasn't going to give anyway, but it would be worth a try, wouldn't it? It's been 2 years, I think. I'm really sad because my Nintendo had all my private data, childhood pictures and passwords on it. I'm still sad so far. Because of all the trauma and that my property was taken from me. The home also claimed that my cell phone is only worth 35 euro, it cost around 350 euro and was bought new and that I have it. I'm really frustrated. My account can theoretically be located because my account is still on it but the police don't really care. I'm really frustrated. I turned 15 and yes. I hope someone answers me. It would mean a lot to me if someone had a solution.


Find a youth worker or something similar to help you.


WHAT?! This is really not possible and this is your private property! Tell your father to go back to the house with you to free your NINTENDO and other valuable items!

That is not possible and legally you are right. If your father doesn't help you, you should hire a lawyer!

I wish I could call for you and make them really stressed. I can do that very well.


We already had… We even went to the police personally. It just doesn't itch.


Haha yes that would be great.


Fathers like their daughters more than sons and with tears in their eyes you have to make it clear to him that you want your NINTENDO back!

Unfortunately, I don't know how smart your father is, that plays an important role. Stupid fathers will also love you and do everything for you, but they could do the wrong thing. Did your father study?


Then home with your dad?


Yes he has. He is only traumatized because of the long contact ban and is afraid that I will come back to the home.


WHAT? Then file a criminal complaint and a criminal complaint with the police for theft! This is your property and you want it back. If the police refuse, you can sue them! Then they will be compliant and read every criminal complaint from your lips!


What exactly is the question behind this wall of text, where exactly could you help?


How to get my property back from home.




I agree!


Oh man. Your father is just lovely and that's one more reason why you should make him realize how important your NINTENDO is to you! Tell him they stole your NINTENDO and you want it back because it makes you very sad and angry. I don't know you myself, but it's about NINTENDO! If I knew you, I would use all my phone calls and all my efforts to help you.

You just can't steal Nintendo from young people. It's just not cool!

There are good and bad companies in this world. Nintendo is a good company and you should fight for it! ALWAYS!


Is that supposed to be a joke? Don't be angry, but have something to do with the private pictures etc. On the nintendo. I have private data on it with passwords and everything. I don't care about the nintendo.


I see. I thought it had something to do with Nintendo too. You know, men like me combine very happy and idyllic childhood memories with Nintendo. Nintendo: The age of the modern Biedermeier of the modern era.

If for you your Nintendo is just a hard drive for image files and passwords, then the hell with you! Then I tried to help the wrong person. Nintendo is more than a data storage device for private data or passwords!

Men like me have to use all my strength and tears to ensure that young people experience the happiness and wisdom of Nintendo.

I apologize for my mistake. You did not deserve this effort and effort, and yet I hope that you get your "data storage" back.