Shopping with Amazon voucher in Saturn?

- in Nintendo

Every month I receive a 20 REWE voucher from my company and I have collected so many of them and could buy a Nintendo Switch. I scrubbed to REWE and threw these REWE cards to the cashier in the face and Jesuit I want to have a NEN AmAzOn coupon and the cashier has jesacht oki doki and now have an Amazon voucher. Now I want to know if I can buy directly from Saturn with the Amazon voucher or if I can possibly exchange them again in Saturn vouchers.

Background: I'm also able to order data on Amazon, but I really want to buy it locally.


You can go shopping at Saturn with an Amazon coupon, but you can't afford it.


Haha do not I understand min young? Shopping but not paying


We can meet at Saturn and I'll tell you that. I'm worried you do not get it here


Why should Saturn accept a voucher from Amazon?

Swap until you have a voucher from Mediamarkt or Saturn.

And your behavior / idiom is contrary to your opinion not cool - but childish.


Sorry i thought it would be fun for the reader if i made that a little more entertaining the question. I was already clear that the Amazon vouchers do not accept but exchange is that possible?


Ok, when should we meet min young


Morning 9.55 h - The open 10 clock.




No, and you can't exchange them.


Why did not you buy vouchers directly at the Rewe Saturn? You get that as well and you would not have to try changing the Amazon voucher for one from Saturn.

Either you will find one of the Saturn vouchers for one of Amazon exchanges or you will have to order it at Amazon.


Jo thank you I have acted too fast, I thought that REWE also Saturn vouchers are available but well not bad, ehh shipping tomorrow so everything jut


Next time you get voucher vouchers that can redeem at Amazon, Saturn, Media Markt and a hundred other stores. My penny has that, Rewe will have it too.


There are plenty of discounters who have all coupon types… Say a cashier or buy the market leader.