Caught having intercourse?

- in Nintendo

I'm very uncomfortable now and I think I should keep it private but I think you can help me a little.

About a year ago (when I was 11) I caught my parents having sexual intercourse, although they were already separated at the time. I talked to my father about it and he just tried to explain that I would understand better when i'm older (i think so too). So after I went to bed and I almost forced my father to sleep on the couch, I also slept for about 1 hour when I woke up I wanted to go into the living room and play Nintendo but the door was closed and I knocked it Took about 10 seconds for them to open (I think they did it again) I talked to my parents again afterwards and initially avoided each other for my good. After about 8 months they didn't like each other so much and more likely had arguments. (I found that kind of good because then I don't have to be afraid that they will do it again). Leif very well after my birthday (19.09) they got along very well, I didn't find it so bad anymore. My trust in my parents was great and I was no longer afraid that they would do that again. But about 2 weeks ago I caught them again (the room seems to be whispered dark and it takes a while to get out) I wasn't sure if they did it again, but it seems very much like that. I didn't talk about it at first because I know what they're going to say.

And now I need YOUR help.

My father comes by again today and stays here (it has always happened until now when someone stayed at the other's place) (brief info I change between mom and dad's house every week) because my mother has to go to work very early tomorrow. But now I'm scared again that they will do it. Can you please give me any tips to distract me from the fact that you will not do it or give tips to forget that (brief info I'm currently 12)

I thank you very much if you can help me. 😥😁


Have a life of your own then you don't have to worry about that of others


My parents!


Have a life of your own then you don't have to worry about that of others


So I don't know how easy-going your parents are, but otherwise I would just say it and explain to them that it is mega uncomfortable for both parties and whether you can leave it or do it when you are not there.


First of all, from an adult point of view, it's nothing unusual or bad. But I can understand that it burdens you very much. First of all, you have to understand that what your parents are doing can't be prevented by you. As long as your parents stop arguing and they still make up, everything is fine. So I can only recommend you to distract yourself (play nintendo / watch TV). Many other people feel the same way. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen


Okay, I'll try today


So you don't have to be afraid, maybe the two themselves are a bit confused or desperate after this separation. It is normal that adults sleep together, it is not good that they are so careless so that you notice it, above all I can imagine that the separation itself was difficult for you and then to see something like that is difficult to understand. Tell a parent that this confuses you. No child wants to admit that their parents sleep with each other is normal haha with you it is a bit more complex because they are separated but maybe this is just a phase. I'm sorry for you you are still very young to deal with it but as I said, dare to speak openly say how you feel about it and that you are uncomfortable.


Thank you


Thanks, I've already told him to AT that I'm confused… But then I forgot a bit what you said… But I'm also a bit happy about forgetting at least a bit the first time


Since you are already 12 years old, I do not understand your problem. Just let your parents live their lives. Since you are accommodated alternately with your father and mother, think about your peers after their parents have fallen out and where a court asks you the question, before the alternative, for whom, "father or mother" you decide. I think these kids (teenagers) have real problems, especially when they're both loving. PS: at the age of 12 you probably already know how you came about, right?


That's good, don't worry too much about it.


Nope, that's not okay with you - you have to listen when your parents talk to you about the topic and if you've forgotten again, then you weren't really interested. Then stop getting upset about it. Learn to listen when someone talks to you, that is important for you, then you don't have to worry anymore.


That's not good at all, because the result is that he still doesn't know what's going on, otherwise he wouldn't ask this question. He has to learn to listen when the parents try to explain something!


How do I clear the question


Hm - why does the child notice that? Because it spies on the parents. It goes into the living room at night, forcing the father to sleep on the sofa - what is that supposed to mean - he should stay in his bed and sleep at the age of 12


How do I clear the question


I think the parents didn't really try to explain it to the boy correctly otherwise they would be more careful and he would have understood exactly.


I don't think you can delete questions, but I'm not sure.


Unfortunately, I don't know maybe about the 3 points next to your question


Unfortunately, no


Oh god, that's still a child… It is the responsibility of the parents that they don't even let it get that far that he catches them SEVERAL TIMES, what's going on with you, a child doesn't do anything for it and when you are so confused you understand And a lot not even if you get it explained 100 times, we have no idea whether and how they explained it to him


You don't need to tell me anything, I raised 3 children myself and 4 grandchildren. Now it's just so that he doesn't have to go through the apartment at night and play with the parents - besides, he was born in 2001 according to profile, so soon 20! Not 12


Then I feel sorry for your children. As an adult you have to pay attention to whether the child could catch you doing something like that and lock the door until you are finished like a normal person and are good. A child is a child, it will sneak around if it wants, ultimately the responsibility rests with the parents. Very easily


Say, parents have a bedroom, children have their children's room. You stay there at night. Nothing more needs to be said about this and you don't need to feel sorry for my children in any way. You were brought up to be considerate and decent and did not come into the bedroom unsolicited or force your father to sleep on the sofa! In addition, he is no longer a small boy, but a 19 year old man. If you ever read other answers.


But - multiple post - click and write that you want to delete the question - it takes a while for the supp to notice that you want something from him - you are not alone here!


Well, you could talk about that for hours, in the end it's a family thing. But I've already read the other answer, but I'm assuming that he simply entered a different year, however!


Yes yes - he stated another year, and now he is inactive and gone!