Gambling at night without getting caught?

- in PlayStation

First of all: At school I have a 2.4 grades average (high school) and I'm M 14 … My PS4 is in my room and therefore I would like to play you through the night (I'm aware of the consequences, so I planned that I'm free tomorrow)…

Do you have any tips on how not to get caught by your parents, ie what "preparations" you can make?

(My room and my parents' room are about opposite, but my father is still awake in the attic mostly until midnight, so must be quiet


Meet up with a colleague and do it with someone whose parents have no problem with it (LAN party)
Should you have experienced as a "gamer" I think. The more people, the better of course. It's something different than multiplayer online.


Can you turn down the screen brightness? Make the sound softer and don't scream. It's best to play a game that doesn't get on your nerves.


Thanks for the tip


It is probably a less big problem to pass a night unnoticed… Than to hide in the next few days that you lack the sleep of an entire night ^^ '

Just tell the parents that you would love to try something like that. Because then they can at least understand if you are catching up on sleep for the next few days ^^ '


Parents notice that.

Why don't you ask for permission? Vlt. For the night from Friday to Saturday or Saturday to Sunday? You don't have a school on the days.

You should sleep on the other nights. There would be Also improve your grades.


That's how I did ea. It was just a little different for me, and I had to "leave" my bed for 48 hours, so I couldn't sleep on the bed.


Thank you, the problem is that I have asked them several times in the past, but they have always said no… In addition, unfortunately, my average God has also been messed up by math (4) and music (4) 😅


You should have your headphones ready and then just be QUIET… No one can guarantee that you won't get caught.

but then where would the fun be with such secret actions?

as a teenager, i have made such jokes many times. Most of the time it went well, but sometimes I got caught.

the sister gave a whistle
the neighbors saw something
I chatted
mom caught me myself.


Thanks for the tip, I think I will definitely have a Plan B! 😀


Ask again anyway. I think you should be allowed to do it before.


What happened back then, for example, when your mother caught you? Was there a conversation or was she angry?


She was angry, but it didn't last long…


PS: I got my current certificate with an average of 1.8 😁😀

