ACNH Next update?

- in Nintendo

Well, I had long wanted that you could have 2 islands on a console. I've also sent feedback to Nintendo twice that ACNH is a cool and beautiful game, but my sister resonates a lot further than I'm. And she gets all the quest and has so many recipes. That bothers me, that's why I wanted another island for myself.

Then later, someone said that there's a website that says that in the next update, there will be two islands. I already thought he was talking garbage. Then he should send me a link to the page, but he said it was fake and has been deleted.

And now my question: on which website can I see the next updates? Because I've searched for a long time, but all the websites say the next update will be in July 2020 … O.O

Can you send me a link to a page that is 100% fake?

Thank you for watching the novel, and thank you very much if you answered.


The last update came in early August and added dream addresses.

There are no leaks regarding new updates from ACNH. You will have to wait for official update announcements - where a video usually shows what is coming and when


Where can I find the video then? Is that on the ACNH website right next to the home page?


Via Twitter e.g. - I added the corresponding link


Thank you.


In the future you can also read updates on xD

Otherwise I would stick to official links. Updates can sometimes also be reported on Nintendo Direct broadcasts. Nintendo's Twitter channel, as linked above, is a good place to go and worth a look.

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