Hyrule Warriors - Time of Desolation Save?

- in Nintendo

I have the game Hyrule Warriors on the Nintendo Switch.

Usually I can click on the minus button on the left controller and save the game status in the menu that appears.

But that is exactly not possible here. When I go to the menu via the minus button, neither a load nor a save or save field appears. Only a tutorials field and a settings field are displayed here.

As with all other games, the Switch does not save a game status by itself. So I have to start the game from scratch every time.

Can someone help me there?


Are you trying to save while you're fighting? Then that doesn't work. So you can only save when you are on the map.


Yes I think so. The order was, for example, free the three outposts. I did that and wanted to save afterwards and that didn't work.

What do you mean when you say that I can only save when I'm on the map?


Then you're in a battle. You can't save there like that.

Um… You're just getting started right? When you have that behind, you will see the map of Hyrule (like one in BotW) where battles and tasks are marked that you can participate in. And only when you are on this map screen can you save using the minus button.