Nintendo 64 Super Mario

- in Nintendo

I realize the desired answer will be negligible because the game (on this console) is old but I try it:

In the game comes the point where in the entrance hall, the sun shines through the window and opens the entrance to a secret world. There's the red counter and red coins to collect.

So my question: I have activated the switch but not collected the coins, so no star. This is missing me now and the sunlight in the lobby is no longer. How can I make it appear again to complete the task?

Is there someone who knows about the game or has a very good memory?


Boah I loved that on the Nintendo 64 you can always jump in on the pictures.


Did not you just have to look up to land in flight-level?


Yes. You have to stand in the sun on the ground, then switch to the Egocamera (one of the yellow arrows) and look up into the light.


I say yes, just do not know if that is the answer to the question


Just stand back on the plate that the light fell on.
Switch to the ergo-perspective with the yellow arrows
Look up
You are in flight level!


That works without the light? I will try.