I need help to come up with a plan can you

- in Nintendo

My name is chris and I'm 14 years old. For this question I need smart minds and clever foxes to help me plan a plan. First of all: my goal is to buy a nintendo 3DsXL with games included for about 160 euro from my cousin. The price is very good and I don't want to reject the offer. Now comes the difficult one. My mother would be ok for me to buy it but my father would not be 100%. I could buy it secretly but either my father will see one day or my cousin and my aunt will visit us and talk to each other and say that they sold me the DS. The thing is I do NOT want her to somehow spill over and I don't want to tell my aunt that my father doesn't want me to buy him because otherwise she wouldn't sell it to me anymore. And I don't want to tell my cousin either because he could tell his mother that he would sell it to me and then I have the salad. The problem is I have already spoken to my cousin about the offer, which means my aunt knows something about it now. And if I buy it then she'll meet at the next family. Do you have any idea?


You must have a good friend in school, he buys him in the official way and gives it to you


Don't be an idiot! You can get the Nintendo 3DS XL NEW on the Internet for 100 euro.

For statistics only: is your cousin Turk?


The simplest solution: do not buy.




So I did some research and a nintendo 3ds xl cost around 200 euro. In addition, my cousin gives me 4 games. And no my cousin is not turkish.


You already know it's quarantine at the moment.


Only those who are actually sick are in quarantine!

That doesn't mean that you can't meet outside. Life has returned to us in the city.

Do not worry

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