Business plan → millionaire / billionaire?

- in Xbox

Today, instead of school lessons, I devised a business plan in which I'm very determined.

I buy Ps3 and Xbox360 controllers for several hundred thousand euro, for a price between 10 and 30 euro. I try to borrow the money from any family member. Since the controllers are no longer produced, it can be assumed that they will get an extreme price boost in the future, as even personalities like Montanablack still own a Ps3 and sometimes even record videos with it.

In my calculation, I assumed that I could get a controller for an average of EUR 400,000 for EUR 22. This would give me 18100 controllers. Thanks to my analysis, I can sell the controllers in 2-3 years for at least 250 euro per controller, my business partner, also an employee at Gamestop, has approved this. I would earn 4,500,000 euro from the sale. I would have taken care of that. With this money I could plan the next big step and start a drop shipping company. However, I have to plan this further. What do you think of my plan to become a millionaire without any schooling?


You don't really believe that the price will only increase tenfold for the controller and think of the demand and hardly think that it is so huge


Steep thesis that old electronics should increase in value.


You underestimate the influence of YouTubers like Montanablack, who all have a Ps3 and are also called good


Do you work at Gamestop and even have any idea about that?


Old retro computers from the 80s were dirt cheap 10 years ago. An Amiga 500 might have cost 50-100 euro. But the prices are slowly rising.

I.e. If you store your controllers for, say, 50 years, then your plan could possibly work.


And do you really believe that in 3 years you will still find 18,000 people who are all willing to spend 250 euro on a controller? I have strong doubts…


But they don't talk often and strongly enough about the fact that it will be trendy again.


I agree


He analyzed it


Just because someone claims to have done an analysis does not necessarily mean that it is correct.


Thanks! I knew that I would go far


But he even neglected his school to create that plan


Right. Now that you say it, that convinces me too.


Well, not if you dispose of your electronic waste - according to your business plan - after 2-3 years.


How many cubic meters are actually 18100 controllers? How expensive will it be to rent the warehouse for 50 years?


That's nothing. Some people even believe that irony is a stretch of land in the south of France. 🙃


King joke




Me too. The PS3 controller will definitely make him a German Rockefeller.


Do you even know what a PS3 looks like?

😂Or have you already played intensively on the PS3.

And you seriously think that your family will give you hundreds of thousands for old PS3 controllers?

We're all sorry, but with the best will I can do, I can't take you seriously.

So you really want to listen to your business partner and meet your family and the like. Debt a bank.

As an OG PS3 player I can tell you that it is not attractive to have a PS3, because the Playstore and all the online servers will soon all be gone and otherwise PS3 games will be hard to get, but no matter what, but don't say it would not have given any signs.

I hope I was able to dissuade you from going into debt pointlessly and you do an Abitur and get a job.


The first 200,000 euro have already been collected, i won't stop hater


Then find relatives who have been waiting 50 years for their money.


This is not a hating. Don't you notice that your plan doesn't make sense? You can still buy it on Ebay, Amazon and Co. In 2-3 years and just because a streamer like Monte plays with a PS3 doesn't mean that everyone wants a controller now. Above all, there aren't many people who own a PS3 like me anymore. And then there's the question of where you want to sell your probably already used controller for a whopping 250 euro. Nobody does that when there are people who offer it for 20-40 euro. This is insane. And Z. B. A Commodore 64 is currently being traded relatively well and as you can see from this example you will have to wait a long time if it works at all.

And I repeat myself again: this is not hating, this is reality.