Federal Employment Agency Login?

- in Nintendo

Hello we have a problem there I can't show my buddy how to log in to the federal agency for work. My buddy became unemployed due to the corona crisis and if he wants to log on to Arbeitssamt.de then the password is wrong, he has already received 23 passwords in the mail and both were wrong. Must be if you log in on Arbeitssargentur.de with the password once or write the band with or not. So I have to do - or I don't have to - at password. He has no idea about technology and I'm not so my question is someone can help us. Does anyone out there know how to log in with the once password from the employment office. So the super nintendo from nintendo is easier to use than the site werksamt.de loggin I tell you.


The good old postal way, until the password is with you, it has long expired, call and have it sent by email!


I've already got it today the question is only log in with a hyphen or log in without a hyphen


When tie stroke with!


Thank you