PlayStation 4 controller lights orange even though it is off?

- in PlayStation

I have a problem with my ps4 controller. As soon as I turn off the console the controller flashes orange (like charging the usb charging cable) now i do not know what to do, i tried to reset it, unfortunately nothing works, I hope you can help me with that.

PlayStation 4 controller lights orange even though it is off

So usually it only lights up when it is connected to the power and charging. Otherwise you have to do it somehow


Did you shut down the ps4 safely? Looks like she's just resting.


Yes, I even pulled out the power plug, but the controller is still on or lights up and down.


Yes, that also seemed strange to me, otherwise I would have to try to expand it.


Normally, if the console turns off in the in-set setting, it will also turn off, but does not know if that works in the case.


Does the de controller flash 24/7?