Can I report a hacker?

- in PlayStation

I played GTA against someone on my PS4 yesterday and won against him and suddenly my internet was gone. I then asked him about it the next day and he even admitted that he hacked my IP and I should go to the police. Now I wonder if I can really use it to go to the police, because what he's doing is not legal.


You probably just got a Denial of Service.

You could actually report that. I would waste my time. Nothing would come out anyway.

Change your IP and block the "hacker":)


Not worth it, the police will probably do little. How long has your internet been away?


Don't do anything. He's crazy. He probably got youDDSS't.

He can't do much with your IP address. You will get a new one anyway after a new router restart.


Half a hour.


In GTA modding tools you can see the IP of all players. So you may have been DDOS't. Usually Internet providers offer different types of DDOS protection. For example, with some types of protection, requests are sent to a null tunnel. A DDOS attack is obviously illegal and you can use it to go to the police safely. Surely the hacker just wants to provoke you.


So should I go to the police?


It's your decision. They won't be able to do much. But theoretically you can go to the police


You can but the police won't do much. It doesn't matter to them as long as there's no major financial damage.

If this happens several times and you barely have access to your internet, it would make more sense to go to the police, but not in the current situation.


He can't do much with your IP address. You will get a new one anyway after a new router restart.

Don't forget that the providers know who they assigned an IP to.




You're welcome.