Can he report me?

- in Nintendo

I wanted to sell my Switch on ebay after the auction this conversation started please help me and tell me what I should do now can the guy really report me?


Please give me the account details or PayPal so that I can make the transfer.

Thank you so much!

Hello unfortunately the bids did not come up as high as I wanted them to be, the item is not for sale.

Then they should have offered a minimum price or an immediate price. Unfortunately, that's the risk at auctions. I insist on buying.


I'm sorry, I'm new to ebay, I have also posted the item again with a reserve price.

Then I'll report them now.

For what? That I'm new and didn't know my way around that well? What do you want from me?

You enter into a sales contract.

Just tell me how to take this article off.

No, I want my goods.

So what do you want from me now? I'm sorry that I didn't give me a minimum price, but if you don't pay me I won't give you your goods. We can think of a higher price, but I won't sell the Nintendo Switch at this price.

I switched on ebay. Please inform me of your date immediately so that I can transfer the money.

Turn on whatever you want, I don't want to sell the item to you, and certainly not for that price.

Then eBay will take legal action against them and block them.

So can he really report me? Why do I have to sell my Switch now?


A legally binding purchase contract was concluded and you are obliged to deliver after payment, in accordance with BGB.

If you want more coal, you have to enter a minimum price or a higher starting bid.

Yes, he can report / sue you for delivery or fulfillment of the purchase contract


If you did the auction on Ebay (not ebay classified ads) then the sale is valid.

These are the rules. The law does not provide for a "I'm new, unfortunately I didn't know that".

The sale is binding on both sides. If you do not use the article you will be reported, ebay will contact you to try to clarify

In the worst case, your account will be blocked.


He can sue you, and with success.

He's absolutely right.

If you don't deliver, he'll take action against you and it'll be significantly more expensive.


So i wanted to sell my switch on ebay…

Your first sentence is already wrong:
You have already sold the Switch.

Your buyer is right, a legally valid purchase contract according to the German Civil Code has been concluded, which you have to fulfill.

The buyer can also easily sue for the item, legally secure for him, combined with an avalanche of costs for you.

And I would get my item at auction price, be sure.


If you do not use the article you will be reported, ebay will contact you to try to clarify

No, eBay doesn't care because eBay is not involved in the sales contract.

In the worst case, your account will be blocked.

No, in the worst case scenario, the buyer successfully sues his item.


So, from a moral point of view, the buyer is right.

However, it is not the case that the police come into play.

You will only have to bear the consequences on the platform, in the worst case an account ban.

Since you deny him the account details and he can't transfer any money to you, there's no fraud, but an offense. As I said, it is eBay's business, not the state authorities.


No, in the worst case, he will be sued and then not only have a small sales price, but a lot of additional costs.

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