To men - how would you like it if a woman asks you if you want to gamble with her?

- in PlayStation

I'm a female 17, will be 18 in August and I'm in love with my work colleague, who is, however, already 27 years old.

We've been together for a coffee or a break several times. We get along really well and usually talk about private things for almost an hour and we can hardly stop and forget the time (almost twice because of him, I missed a meeting because I didn't look at the clock and then myself I was shocked that we've been talking for an hour xD).

Since we both love to play Playstation, we naturally talk a lot about it and about various computer games.

I also play fighting games like him (yes, I know, it's pretty rare with women, he also mentioned xD but I think it's just super cool).

Now to my question:

How would you men find it if your work colleague asked you if you would like to gamble together? Is that embarrassing? We see each other in the office every day… And as I said, I have a crush on him and don't want to seem intrusive. I'm not quite sure if he wants something from me or not.

Serious answers only, please!



Go ahead


How would you men find it if your work colleague asked you if you would like to gamble together? Is that embarrassing?

Why should that be embarrassing.

I think that's cool


Thank you!


You should see if he's single. Otherwise everything is wasted effort.

I don't mind if a woman becomes active.


Half a year ago I asked him if he had a girlfriend, at that time he didn't have one. Half a year later, of course, I don't know if he has someone by now. But I don't think the word would have got around.


Well because I have a crush on him but don't know if he even wants anything. XD


I'm a woman and I want to get rid of one thing here:

When I asked my friend for the first time if I could play something, he was delighted and enthusiastic.

Gamers love female gamers. That's a fact, especially as a woman you are highly regarded if you have what it takes!

All the best!


Love has no age: ask him if you want, if you get rejected, no problem, you notice the difference eigtl already 9 years older than you, but at least give it a try.


Thank you for the answer! I'd say I'm good at fighting games, have over 100 hours or more on most games.

I'll try it, maybe it'll work. The only problem will be that he's 27 and I'm going to be 18. XD And that we work in the same department…


Yes, 9 years is a little long… But I think he's so young at heart. Our language usage is almost the same I would say.