Too strict?

- in PlayStation

So what I mean by too strict:

My sister and I are often beaten and shouted at. That's why I cry often. I don't know if it's because I don't want my sister to be beaten or if I get scared. If anybody even shouts at me unnecessarily I cry. I also do homework but my sister takes her (my mother) more seriously. I stopped Ps4 and set a goal, for example, that I would not play until the summer vacation.

Yes, it already works, but it's just that I still don't do a lot of tasks or practice a lot.

I want to start praying and reading the Koran in my spare time.

I also want to practice volleyball.

But I can hardly learn

I know now is a completely different topic than the one with the mother, but I don't want to like to study even though I have to.

It was the same in primary school, but I had good grades there

In the meantime my grades are 3 or a little 2 on average

So the main thing now is: 1) I cry often because my mother hits or yells at me.

2) Why can't I stop learning?

3) Am I so stressed out because there will be testimonials tomorrow and my mother will beat or yell at me again?



I don't think the Koran says anything about it


I don't dare to "tease" my mother


That is honored by you, but at some point anger and frustration accumulate. And then an uncontrolled aggression is directed against yourself, against your mother or against others who are weaker than you.


There's nothing to add: seek help from the youth welfare office etc!


😭what can I dooo


There can be no question of STRICT!


What your mother is doing is punishable here in D!

Please read the books from Inci Y. "Choke on your lies" and "Don't tell me about the lower class!"

Inci was pretty much the same as you!

Still, she made something of herself, and you should do that too!

The most important thing: turn on the youth welfare office!

Your mother forfeited EVERY right to be called your mother: You owe her nothing, absolutely nothing!

Your future lies in your education - in school and your degrees! - You can and must do this without your mother!


So you can't learn well or the like. You may want to talk to an outside person who can understand you. Eg a trust teacher or someone who has gone through something like this himself.

Father too strict? au aureliapiccolo
NAT type ps4 only strict? li lilliannaCause
Punishment for adults? Mo MouthBamboo