Punishment for adults?

- in PlayStation

I'm 20 years young and will be 21 in 2 weeks. I'm still living with my parents and am in the first year of training, which means that there will soon be certificates. My grades are from 1-4. The certificate will not be as good as I hoped it would be. My parents are always very strict with me and the boss in my company is very strict. My parents will, and I can guarantee that, continue to forbid me from playing on the Playstation because you think I just play and do nothing for school. That is not true at all, I do a lot for school and the grades would also be better, but I did not understand the subjects of the subjects properly and could not improve due to Corona. The Playstation belongs to my father, this as information. Now my question: Can my parents prohibit me from playing or anything else based on my grades?


Can my parents prohibit me from playing or anything else based on my grades?

Not really… You're an adult.

Don't your parents know?


If you should have care, your parents could stop it.


I think my parents sometimes forget that… They still treat me like a toddler.


What does that have to do with care?


Some people just don't see what's good or bad. Isn't meant negative.


Then prevail.


If your father's Playstation belongs to him, he can take it away from you. It's his property.


Yes I thought so… I'm afraid of the testimony: /


It's your parents if they think you need a punishment they have every right to use it. Especially since this is not a bad punishment.


But I'm already of age… When I'm 30 can you still punish me? So it's really my life and my grades


That is true, you obviously still live at home and as long as this is the case your rules do not apply. Later in your own apartment you can of course do whatever you want.


Mh yes you are right again… Well then I have to put up with the consequences of the certificate, well maybe it won't be so bad, which I hope

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