Shall I go to the hospital now for a light electric shock?

- in PlayStation

Got a slight electric shock from a power strip where a switched-off PlayStation 4 was on it. The blow is an hour ago. Only hurt shortly on the left. But I'm suffering from a heart neurosis and was only 3 days ago at the hospital because of stinging from the chest, which was only heartburn as it turned out. I do not want to go to the doctor for everyone. I was just last year and lasted so long. Do I really have to go to the hospital now and if nothing is discovered, can complaints be made afterwards, or have I "survived" this blow, as it were, and is it good?


Is the bar or the PS4 broken / open? Not that it was just an electrostatic discharge.

If the devices are in tact, I can't imagine with the best of intentions where operating voltage should come from.
What you can do for safety is to test the protective conductor of the strip with a phase tester.


My mother got a stroke a good six months ago and now she has heart rhythm disorders. Too bad that she did not go to the doctor right away. The worst thing is, you do not notice it right away. The blow was not very strong, but apparently enough.

Is there a clear impact injury with you?


Was that just a slight electric shock with her? So with me it was easy


You get from 230 volts no "easy" blow. Either you got one or not, there's no easy way, they make you ready shortly.

what many consider an electric shock are often pinched nerves or just a static discharge…


If you had a current through contact with 230V mains, you should not hesitate: an ECG would detect damage that could lead to ventricular fibrillation and death many hours later.

Such cases of "brave" electricians have given it: Electric flow - "no problem" - not experienced the next day.


It is certainly better to go to the doctor. It happened to me at work that I had received a very violent electric shock that blew me away. With a brief unconsciousness. I'm not a doctor at the time and so I put it away. Only later did I hear about the risk. If I had known then, I would have gone to the doctor.


As long as you do not show any conspicuous symptoms, SHOULD go, but if you are not sure, i would already go to a doctor. The best directly the notambulanz…

son Stromschlag is not any ne sch… That can really go bad…


Yes, no, yes? Yes!


In the context - in case of doubt yes