Fat or liquid from the ps4 joysticks?

- in PlayStation

2 months ago i switched from ps4 to pc and after i wanted to put my controller away i noticed the "fat" on the joysticks. It's odorless here is a photo:

Unfortunately, mans didn't see that much with lightning, but it is clearly recognizable, is it just old fat if, for example, you've just eaten chips or something?


No, that's the plasticizer that leaks out of the plastic… I don't think the stuff is particularly healthy (somehow acts like a hormone in the body) and the component can hardly be saved… It's just decomposing… Actually, you can only do that throw it away (although some people claim it can be cleaned with orange oil cleaner)


So you don't see it so clearly in the picture, but I've had something like that and Kp how to repair it (just use my other controller). That was with me when I left my controller for several hours for several days in a row on the windowsill in the sun in the hottest place, then it melted away so easily.