Gamestop console warranty extension?

- in PlayStation

I'm considering buying a PS5 Day One. There are still a few specific decision factors missing to buy them on the first day… However, I have seen a warranty extension on the Gamestop page. This is for 2 years. Let's say my PS5 would have problems at some point. So after half a year. In that time a new version was released. Will the PS5 be exchanged with this new version? Or would you just get the purchase price back? I only took the PS5 as an example. It may be that someone tried it on another console and can tell me something about it.


You have a 2-year warranty on electronics and in this case you pay for it to be extended to 4 years.

You will not get any higher-quality devices or purchase prices back.

A guarantee / warranty covers that in the event of damage through no fault of your own (such as that which is present at the factory or caused by regular wear and tear), a repair or, if this is not possible, an exchange will take place. Nobody will happily give you a modernized console just because a revised version is out. They will watch you give what you bought.

Only if this is not possible or several improvements have been unsuccessful can a payout be available as an option. Here one will go after the residual value, which takes the period of use as a measure, not the new value at the time of acquisition.

Incidentally, this applies in general and not explicitly for gamestop or Playstation consoles.