Is there any way to transfer the game statuses from the PS4 hard drive in Windows to the new hard drive?

- in PlayStation

The old hard drive of a friend's Ps4 is unfortunately not working due to a serious system error after a repair on the motherboard. Since the old (possibly) can only be used after reloading the system software and there's no way to save the data within the PS4, my hope is that I will somehow get the data on the PC. Is there a software or operating system with which the disk can be read and copied somehow? Cloning is unfortunately out of the question because the error is then only transferred.

Is there any way to transfer the game statuses from the PS4 hard drive in Windows to the new hard drive

Actually, only cloning is an option. The error can then be repaired or a data recovery from the cloned disk can be carried out.

If you now stress the damaged disk with software to collect the data, it dies from under your hands…

Corresponding tools (eg under Linux) may even get the disk completely cloned after 2 or 3 runs. For example, you could use HDDSuperClone.

PS.: I sent you a friend request.


Unfortunately, the error can only be corrected by re-uploading the system and that is unfortunately associated with the complete formatting of the hard drive (Or have I overlooked something and it is not absolutely necessary?). Unfortunately, all other easy repair measures in Ps4 safety mode all fail or / we do not have any effect.
While researching, I also caught the fact that the hard drive is generally formatted when you put it in a new system. Has that been done anyway since I've already used a new one?


All the repair options repair the system so that the PS starts again, but if necessary at the expense of the data / saved games.

There's nothing worse with a data recovery than this autom. Repairs…

Remove disk, connect to Linux and clone. This is the only chance. Everything else will hardly work out or is too risky.

You first need everything as it was or as good as it is now on a fresh record that you can then continue to experiment with. Otherwise the record will die before you have anything!