Playstation VR possible with little space?

- in PlayStation

I'm considering buying a Playstation VR and I need recommendations from people who already have one.

I live in a student dorm and therefore do not have as much space as recommended by Sony. It is about 1.80m * 2.30m (with a little extra space on the furniture where the camera can stand). Can the whole thing be done with less space without complaints?


It works, because you don't really run and the length of your arm etc. Doesn't depend on the gaming experience, you have your sticks on the pusher with which you run within the game, there are only a few extra features, maybe there are your media market, Saturn or other yes an exhibition piece on which you can test yourself again.


Since the psvr has no roomscale it is enough if you can raise your arms without hitting the left, right or front of anything.