Could other developments be as fast as the corona vaccine?

- in Nintendo

The corona vaccine is unusually fast because many are involved. Didn't the previous vaccines last longer because fewer people were involved?

Would that have also been possible with technology, medicine, space, research, science, etc?

If e.g. At the beginning of the 80s, many people would have been involved in the development of computers and technology, as is now the case with the corona vaccine. Would today's PC with the Internet have been possible within a year?

What would e.g. With the Super Nintendo in the 90s? Would Nintendo have adapted and in the example we would have a Super Mario Bros. 3 in 3D?

What about space? If a particularly large number of people had dealt with space, would the journey to the stars have been possible within a very short time? Would some people have left our earth before December 21, 2012 for fear of the end of the world in 2012?

Centuries ago the development of many things was slower, would such a rapid development as with the corona vaccine have been possible earlier?

How far would we be today if we had been so fast on all topics (technology, medicine, space, etc.)?

Would it be good if it had been like that?


Since there are many involved

That is not the reason for the rapid development. A basis was already in place. The text periods, which normally span years, have been greatly reduced.


Had, had bicycle chain.
Have common efforts of many people and e.g. Brought to the moon. Or think of the pyramids. There are many actual examples…


You're equating apples and pears here.

That the approval is so fast can be explained at least in Germany. First of all, there should be a preliminary approval. It will be checked after a year. At least that's what experts reported yesterday.
And yes, the virologists helped each other and exchanged information. This has to do with the fact that we're all affected by this pathogen and therefore for the first time have a common interest worldwide.

What has thrown us back is u. A. The Middle Ages. So thanks to your church for your views at the time.



How do you mean about your church? Is not my church.


If that weren't just an expensive "out of sight out of mind" stuff to inject, one could speak of rapid progress. However, the vaccine only ensures that the disease does not break out and that you remain symptom-free - but it does not help in curbing the spread because you can still give and receive the virus…

Only those who can't be vaccinated have the chance to recognize an infection through symptoms and take appropriate countermeasures. For that is constantly being told you should pay attention to the others instead of just yourself, the effect of this vaccine is extremely hypocritical because it only protects you and endangers others even more. The vaccine extends the dangerous incubation period to the entire course of the disease

Usually more research is done so that it makes a little sense what you are selling but corona is a mega box-office hit for the pharmaceutical mafia ^^ a decent vaccine that is able to actively take action against the virus itself then comes in 5-10 years after really research has been carried out not only a quick "could work" blockbuster is brought onto the market


Hello Timo I heard in the media that the vaccine only has a license for one year, after which it has to be re-applied for


> thanks to your church

thanks to our church, the public prosecutor and judge are not one person, we have the presumption of innocence, we have the church as a contact point and an aid organization (BRK, malthäser, station mission, etc.). So don't look at everything so two-dimensionally, you have blinders on worse than some religious fanatics

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