Hi, I often stream on Playstation4 and I want to do a 12 hour stream in a few weeks.
But I don't always want to play the same game in the stream, but if I change the game in the stream, the stream goes out and I have to start a new one.
Is there any attitude so that I can change the game in the stream without it going out?
Be happy about any answer.
Are you streaming for yourself or friends? Who is watching a streamer streaming on ps4?
Is there any setting so that I can change the game in the stream without it going out.
nope, that is not possible with the console.
For that you would need a capture card and a PC
Are you streaming on Twitch with the PS4?
You could change the title and game using the Twitch app on your phone or PC.
I streamed on Ps4 myself and know the problem to be able to switch games (without the stream going out) you need an Elgato.
However, you thought you are 12, well in the price direction there's not the best but here: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwir7cqD_NfqAhUJ0rIKHTKWD6IYABAEGgJscg&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2-tr-zzdZOdAMFB58pjUxXgZxl1bFpgDmSfk1fNCwRAqQobBIKnpHNAJ093-gnUyC4DCtYjaKKl8vH1oe7Ns&sig=AOD64_3NfjdRJApJwn7ebbH6FR0vI2A7Fg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiWx8KD_NfqAhVN1qYKHW4NCPYQ9aACegQIEBBT&adurl= https://www.roxio.com/de/products/game-capture/hd-pro/
80,000 people (MontanaBlack88) :)
Monte streams on pc du schlauberger
He streams on the Ps4 with an Elgato Capture Card du Schlauberger.
He plays on the ps4 but streams on the pc with the capture card, he only transfers it on the ps4
No I'm not 12, I'm 16. I wanted to do a 12h stream😂
But thanks for the links
But then he streams with the ps4, the stream only runs on the pc because he has more options
He streams with the elgato he plays on the ps4 but the picture is taken by the elgato