My door was taken from me haha what to do?

- in PlayStation

Because it's coronavirus time, I have online lessons (homework that I have to do by the weekend). A couple of times I didn't do an organic Ha, forgot it or didn't feel like it. Then the bio teacher called today and picked me up completely by speaking badly. Then my dad went nuts and took my Ps4 and my door away. I wait until I get everything back but still want to know your opinion haha. I'm not completely stupid so know the gurndsachen the question is more to get the boredom away or to find out what you would do

Everyone who says something helps me to know what to do and to kill my boredom that I have without ps4

Ps: am a foreigner so my father is a little different


Maybe you should stop laughing at everything first and take it seriously. And when you're ready, start doing your chores.

Your father moved in the ps4 so that you can finally concentrate on your tasks. So do it!


Go out, you don't have a door anyway, meet a friend or go alone.


I already understand your papa. Of course, he only wants the best for you and that's just without PS4 (and door ^^).

In the future, do your homework on time and such excesses will not even happen:-)


What is he going to do with the door? That's exciting.

That he takes away the PS4 is appropriate as an educational measure. He will also give it back to you after a few days or weeks. Depending on how long the measure should last.

But that he takes the door with him too, that's interesting.


Haha that with the door is lousy


Haha that's right with the door but thanks for your comment helps against boredom


I'll try ᕙ (• ‿ •) ᕗ


That has nothing to do with serious but also meant that I'm asking here for fun because I'm bored, I already know the basics


Your father is right, by the way, I would have freaked out too and am not a foreigner.

You take all of homeschooling lightly. Wait and see what else will happen if you don't do your homework.

If I were you, I would not only do everything the teacher asked me to do, but voluntarily even more, because I want to get ahead, don't want to upset my parents and don't want to make their lives unnecessarily difficult.

I would want to prove to everyone that Corona is not a reason to write bad grades, on the contrary.


OK thanks