Do I have obsessive-compulsive disorder or something similar?

- in Nintendo

So my problem is that I always say in subconsciousness, if I do not clean up my room now, my grandpa dies or something… I'm not sure if it's obsessive-compulsive disorder, however, I still have one problem: when I go home from school I have to walk up the stairs and go to my house. Which of course is perfectly normal now but I have to run up the stairs faster and faster than this door falls. The door has such a mechanism that the door closes by itself and I sprint always how stupid the stairs to be up and faster than just the door falls.

I also used to have such a problem, I always had to count stairs… (Ok, something's wrong with my mobile phone.) Somehow the function with the fat writing does not go away anymore haha Well then it's just going on in this font style now)

Luckily, I got used to it after we moved. However, these subconsciousness "tasks" make me feel upset. Recently, for example, I played Pokemon on Nintendo and threw a pokeball! Then my subconscious thought, "If you do not catch the Pokemon with this pokeball, then your grandma dies!" or somehow that was it. And that excites me to always think of such a nonsense that I do not want! A few months ago, there was also such a shooting night night and known, you can after seeing a shooting star has what you want. When I saw my first shooting star I immediately wished for something and it was like this: "I wish… (… That nothing happens to my family and my pets) … That a huge illness breaks out and we all die!

In parentheses, I actually wanted to say and what is behind the brackets was then actually through my thoughts. That sounds really silly what I'm talking about here but it's really like that! 😫 And that just annoys you totally! Can you do something about it?


Brave that you write this openly here, but yes, that sounds like compulsive acts and obsessive thoughts. However, it is only when you actually have to do it, and it is very difficult for you to fight it.

Basically, obsessive-compulsive disorder has a lot of power and energy, and sufferers often suffer from it. If you are ready to open then you should do a therapy with psychologists or therapists. Or you try it yourself, which is definitely the hard way. Imagine your obsessions are like dogs jumping around you and leaping up at you because they want your attention and want to play with you… Well, justify them so they behave. Sounds funny… But what does not sound funny when it comes to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

If you want to talk privately about it, I know quite well in the topic, then you can also send me a message.


Easily explained.

You are thinking in the ego. What you think at least 6x is stored in the subconscious., ➖and➕. UB is just memory, does not check anything. UB will then send you the ➖u➕Stored up again.

You have to watch what you store in the UB. Because the patterns that come up again make your psyche sad and even sick.

You need to think your thinking now and be reasonable and ➖missing out thoughts. You have to rethink the patterns you have learned.

Thoughts are creators. You are creating too much.

Your psyche needs joy, even you as Koenner u ➕ Thinker, so that she stays healthy. If you always get into what is and think about it ➕ reasonably, then you store ➕pattern in the UB, which can then send it up.


This is called a obsessive-compulsive disorder "mystical thinking"

The better forum would be here then

and on the other pages you will find information on obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Office of the German Society of Compulsory Diseases e.V.
PO Box 70 23 34 - 22023 Hamburg
Phone: (040) 689 13 700, Fax: (040) 689 13 702
Mon - Fri 10:00 - 12:00
There's next to counseling and a list of therapists, because not all "can" or better "wants" to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.

There are also medications - which are sometimes effective.

I assume that you are rather young.

It can also be a juvenile tic, which disappears, unfortunately, Znnagsstörungen begin at the age of 12 - 24.

Therefore, play it safe.

As it is, it is relatively easy to treat, but not later.