Which PC should you buy high end or normal?

- in PlayStation

I thought about investing 1500 euro for an oc (do it myself) and wanted to do everything with it. Stream with the cam for reaction video but also find games to stream on youtube. I wanted to get a wqhd 144hz monitor and always play and stream on 1440p. Then I thought to myself this is a lot of money and after 3 years it is worth nothing or you have to upgrade and that annoys me.

I don't want to upgrade or buy a new PC every time.

Should I buy a cheaper one? Can i use it? Because I believe that if you only stream or record reaction videos with the cam, the pc does not have to be more expensive than when I stream games. Should I just buy a 600 euro pc the Full HD can be set to very high or is that enough?

Or what do you say? I have no idea. I was so desperate that I wanted to get ps5.


Well, if you get a good one now, you will probably be able to do something with it in 5 years, but not so much with the cheap one.

My last PC lasted 10 years.



For Steamen + Cam you will probably not be happy with a 600 euro pc. The more money you invest, the more you can of course play at high resolutions


So I would put as much as possible into the PC. Because the more expensive, the longer it usually lasts. For example: If you used to buy a 1080ti and an i7 7700k, you can still play very well today. However, I would say that on a budget of $ 1500 you won't be able to get 1440p + streaming in many games. I would rather leave it at 1080p.


A question if my pc is now even equipped so wqhd can play ultra games with 70-90fps and villt nor all settings 4k 40 fps mind. Is it playable for 5-6 years and then villt full hd still on ultra?


Why not? I wanted to get amd rx 8600 with 16gb vram and ryzen 7 3700x should the net work nit streaming?


If you don't stream games but only want to sit in high resolution, would it be enough?


Nobody can tell you how the technology will develop, but what is now ultra remains ultra… Hardly believe that it will be scaled down.


It depends more on the games you want to gamble on, I have 600 euro gaming pc the previous owner said he had gta 5, I guess I gambled smoothly…


It depends on the games, of course. I play with an i5-3450 (8 year old processor) and a 1060 that I upgraded at some point. So far I can still play all games, even if not on maximum settings.

Since electronic parts actually have a long lifespan, Ebay can be a good alternative if you want to save money.

The problem with cheap PCs is that they have parts in a PC that have little or no performance, but cost money.

This includes mainboard / power supply / housing / hard disk / (partially) RAM. The percentage is of course higher the cheaper the PC is. So I would get it for 750 euro or even better for 900 euro.

The one for 600 euro will of course also serve you well, it is more powerful than my current Pc ^^ So you will be able to play everything with it (even if not to max.). In general, however, I think that the higher initial investment is worthwhile, especially if you don't constantly upgrade your PC.


I would love 750 euro if you can play mind games for 4 years on full hd ultra and later on very high settings.


Nobody can guarantee you what will be in 4 years. Many games are designed for PCs and consoles, so the requirements for the highest graphics level usually increase with each generation. As I said, invest as much money as you can, when it's over at 600 euro, that's the end of it.

If you really only care about the graphics, you are probably best served with a console, these have the best price / performance ratio.

Since the games are tailored precisely to the components, the games still run better despite possibly poorer hardware. I would e.g. A PS5 in terms of gaming performance can be compared to a 1000 euro gaming PC


Wow roughly thought too. I need oc wisdom about writing applications, cutting videos, surfing, youtube and netflix etc.