Live longer in Battlefield V?

- in PlayStation

What methods are there to survive Battlefield V longer? I always die so early and have no way of killing anyone. I run into my corner and get shot down. In many YouTube videos they go through and they all pop, when I walk around I don't see any opponents and I get shot myself. I play on the PlayStation 4.


Just run for more cover, and practice makes perfect, you need about. 100 hours of play, then you can certainly do that too


Practice practice practice.

No master fell from heaven. It is best to train in sessions only with bots and never run free!


How do you get in with just bots?


Battlefield can be frustrating if you haven't mastered it, so I'll give you a few tips:

Play / practice a lot. You should find out and use the weapons that are perfect for you. Learning the maps to know how they are structured and where you can best flank your opponents will also help you. To practice against bots, you could play the Combined Arms mode.

In addition, you get the furthest in Battlefield when you play in a team / squad, so find up to 3 colleagues to play with. As a comparison: Without my personal buddy (a very good friend) I would be 1/3 worse.