Ps4 balance problem with parents?

- in PlayStation

At the moment I'm 15 years old and at the beginning of the year I got a 50 euro credit gift from my mother. I immediately bought gta 5 and rdr2 because both were on sale and they are my absolute dream games. Now it's just that my mother told me later not to buy games over the age of 18 and without her permission. I would like to confess it to her, but just don't dare to. Maybe some don't understand that, but my mother is very strict with me when it comes to technology and electronics. I've already thought about asking my grandma if she can buy me this 50 euro card, since I'm not yet 18 to buy it myself, but then I would be afraid that my grandma would tell my mother something about it. And anyway, I don't want to speak to strangers and ask about them. Can someone help me and maybe tell me what I can do? (Elderly friends are excluded, as I only have some of my age, or to tell her as well. Please only answer seriously.) Thank you!


I'm really sorry but that was your mistake bro! If you know that the mother is stricter with something like that, I don't just buy games that (at least with GTA and RDR) * not without reason * are only 18+ without asking! Would really like to help you…: /