May my mother forbid me to see my father?

- in PlayStation

My mother forbids me to meet him because they had a very violent argument because my mother hit me then my father shouted at her and gave her a slap. Now he has no custody anymore but I still often meet after school he picks me up and then he buys me food but my mother knows nothing about it. May I just sleep with my dad when I leave a letter or can I clarify this with the youth welfare office.

I would also like to move to him because I feel more comfortable there and he has a big house, car and money.

My mother has a small apartment and garnix she has little money and can't afford.

And I'm not allowed to play with friends and I'm not allowed to use my Ps4 I've never been allowed to watch movies on it and I'm only allowed to use the phone until 9pm but today I yelled at my mother and left room locked now fortunately, they keep me alone.


My mother always takes away my money, which I got from my dad for my birthday and she never gave it back to me. Can I report her for theft? She has me 400 euro gag that my father has given me


No, but you can't bring anything


And you mean, everything is getting better with your father? Does your father even know that you want to move in with him?


Yes. He says that I should come to him calmly. He will even go to the youth welfare office with me and apply for the right. I wanted to join him 5 years ago


How so? Can I then steal 400 euro from my mother?


Oh dear, it's getting worse again…


Well then everything is scratched, why all the excitement?


Yes. My mother does not want that but my father has no custody. My mother will do everything I do not have to go to him. Can I stay with him when I leave a letter to my mother


If I leave a letter to my mother may I go to my father?

No, your mother has sole custody and thus the right to stay.

If you go to your father, he would need to inform your mother immediately.

You and your father can or have to go to the youth welfare office and describe the situation there.

Your mother may keep the money gifts of your father for you but not simply take away.


She has taken it away from me may I show them or should I tell that to the youth welfare office then I will win 100% of the case and live with my father


No, your mother has sole custody and thus the right to stay.

Nevertheless, both father and son have a legally established right of access, which must not spoil the mother without VERY good reasons.


No you can't keep it just for you because you can't handle it. I think you should get one Euro pocket money daily, paid every day, and I would want to see receipts for what you spent it on. If you have no receipts, you'll get me 50 cents, and cut it down. So if you want to buy something bigger, then you have to save, and for items that cost more than 5 euro you must get the approval that you are allowed to buy it.


Medicines are expensive, you'll get it back if you can handle it!

Prefer my F - request before you discuss!

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