What to do in case of scam

- in PlayStation

I sold my Playstation a few days ago and, strangely enough, I was supposed to be sending it to England but I trusted and then I did. I've now found out that it was sent to a more well-known scam address and I don't know what to do. The package has not yet arrived so I hope that something can be done about it. I received a phone number from the person and also falsified personal information.


Congratulations… You are one of those people who came across the Nigeria Connection scam.


But the package hasn't arrived yet… Do you think there's nothing we can do about it?


The package has not yet arrived so I hope that something can be done about it.

Forget it.

I received a phone number from the person and also falsified personal information.

Sure, that's how it always works.


… And I don't know what to do.

Bite the next edge of the table.