Buy Xbox one X for 379 euro. Scam?

- in Xbox

The xbox one x costs in many shops 500 euro but the used costs 379 euro.
Why is that?
(is it recommended to buy used console?)

Buy Xbox one X for 379 euros. Scam

Seriously it is already.

But I think 373 euro are not great for a used XBOX One X now.

New is the synonymous already from 420 euro:


Basically, nothing speaks against a used console, as long as it is in good condition, which unfortunately can only be checked after receipt of the goods. At reBuy you can't do much wrong before, because the products are tested before they are sold. And depending on the selected condition, the price increases or decreases (including shipping costs). The worst thing that can happen often are rough traces of use or any defect on the device. At reBuy but you have at least as far as I know for about 30 months warranty, but not for all products and only for certain conditions, because you have to recharchieren again. Otherwise, I can only say from my own experience, the used goods do not necessarily have to be something bad, but you should pay attention to where you ordered and from whom. The difference between new and used goods but a significant difference in price is perfectly normal, once the package was opened, it does not count as new and depending on the condition of the price can drop significantly, but that does not mean that the console is therefore not functional. In general, all second-hand goods work very well, the used tracks are often rather the "problem", and with traces of use is always expected, something like slight scratches, greasy fingerprints, etc.

Otherwise, I say, always get you, if possible, new goods, no second-hand goods. Is usually worth more! However, if you want to save and do not put much value on new goods, then you can also buy second-hand goods, as long as you buy from a trustworthy retailer.