Lose weight through let's dance ps4?

- in PlayStation

The other day I happened to see an interview with a man who lost about 50 kg by playing let's dance. I'm skeptical, is that really possible, assuming you're playing half an hour a day? Would be a cool way to lose weight, but can it honestly work?


You lose weight when you use less energy than the body uses.

You can increase energy consumption through exercise.


Sure it works, movement is movement.


That is clear, but I wonder if this movement in the game can actually be enough (if you were to compare that to half an hour of jogging 😋)


It depends on how you do it I think then it can burn more calories than jogging.


Dancing is also a sport, so you can use it to lose weight. But if you don't change your diet, losing weight will be difficult.

A friend of mine always did this Zumba on the Wii and lost about 20 kg in one year.


Wow, congratulations to your friend, that's a blatant result! How often and for how long did she train?


2-3 times a week for about 1 hour.


Wow that's cool


Sure it works. But not without the right diet, you can do as much sport as you want, if you eat too much you will never lose weight.