Desktop Internet Problems?

- in PlayStation

I've had a desktop for a while and I'm very satisfied with the performance but I have really persistent internet problems and just can't use it. At first I thought it was due to my home network, because we have a new router, but the router before that didn't work without problems as far as I remember. So I have now connected the desktop to relatives and everything went well there for a week but now I have problems here too, so it can definitely not be due to the Internet.

PC: CAPTIVA I52-220, had to buy an Internet antenna / (Bluetooth adapter) first to be able to use the Dekstop.

I've also switched between 5GHz and 2.4GHz because 5GHz doesn't work very well through walls. Normally there are 2 walls between the computer and the router, but I have already tried the computer in the same room and right next to the router but unsuccessfully but it can't be that the desktop does not get a Signsl through 1-2 walls finally the internet goes on the phone or the PS4 too.

LAN is also not very useful, I have called the provider several times without success. Most of the time I get the error message "Connected, no internet"

How do I get the internet running? Can't work on the PC like this.


What are persistent Internet problems, so if you have the same difficulties with LAN, set up the computer again, it could be that you have been haunted by a virus for a long time.

I'm also surprised that it somehow happened in between. That contradicts the logic that the hardware has problems.


How exactly is the problem? Is there no internet at all? Too slow? Terminations? Which WLAN adapter? Have you ever started troubleshooting in Windows settings? If internet is available, have you ever done a speed test? Possibly several if unstable. Have you ever pinged a router permanently? Can you call it up in the browser? Which router? What does "LAN doesn't do that much" mean? So fewer problems?


Internet is there but it disappears immediately and comes back and goes, etc. So not usable.

If it is there then quickly.

As a Wlan adapter, simply an antenna via USB connection, otherwise the desktop can't even find the Internet.

Troubleshooter finds nothing.

I can call up the router in the browser when there's internet or via LAN

Speed test does not go through interruptions of Wi-Fi but only with LAN and maybe 110/550 MB / s get through

The router is the Vodafone station which should also be faulty anyway, if it helps on PS4, the connection is also unstable but not impaired there's only one license error every hour precisely because of an unstable signal (only an error message will not be disconnected on PS4)

In response to the statement "LAN doesn't do that much either" I said that Internet crashes also occur there

How do you ping a router permanently? (one of your questions)


I can call up the router in the browser when there's internet or via LAN

In other words, you always can't open the router in the browser? My aim is to isolate the error. If you can't get on the router, then it has nothing to do with the internet at first. Then the Internet provider has no influence on it either.

Since the PS4 is also causing problems and it happens with both Wi-Fi and LAN, I'd guess a problem with the router. Even if it's new. You will surely have restarted it by now.

(You can delete pinging from the router.)


Yes, the new Vodafone station is not really good to find on the Internet…