Why does the PS4 keep claiming that the storage space is full?

- in PlayStation

I have had the problem for a long time that my PS4 complains about the storage space with every smallest download or update, although I still have about 140GB of storage free. Even if I delete games it is sometimes not enough. In addition, I actually have 1 TB of storage and the console says I only have a little over 800GB in total.


Maybe the card is write-protected?


And how can I fix something or change something or something?


I don't know now which card you have, but the micro sd adapter has a latch that you have to make in the other direction


So don't know I never did anything to it that is the hard drive that was built into the console from the start and before I mess around with it I would rather ask 😅


Then you can write to Sony Support, maybe they can give you a step-by-step guide.


I once heard somewhere that there are "blind" files that take up the storage space, but I don't know if it's true


I do then I think too.


What an incredible bullsh * t, I don't know if that's supposed to be a troll answer, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the question. Nonsense from front to back, including the comments!


In my experience, very large games (like Warzone) take up a lot of buffer space. This can then be of the order of magnitude mentioned.

And you always have to subtract a little from the total capacity due to conversion factors and operating system data.


I accept any help because I've had the problem for a few years and know nothing about it. Do you have another idea?


So I only have one game that is so big but that it takes up so much… And why is it displayed that I only have 800gb of storage space instead of 1 TB?